Mobile Website Design & Mobile Marketing
If you don’t think you need to worry about developing a mobile site, you need to think again. For one thing, people use mobile sites differently than they use regular websites. Without a dedicated mobile website, you could be missing out on a lot of business.
On computers and laptops, people often browse aimlessly from one website to the next. That isn’t the case when browsing online with mobile devices. People use mobile devices while they are on the go. They use them to look for specific information, and they don’t usually use them to surf the Internet. Mobile websites are mostly used to make purchases, download videos and music, stay informed about current events and weather and to access information on a local level.
Ipsos OTX conducted an interesting study that revealed:
Approximately 95 percent of smartphone users have performed searches for local information
Nearly 80 percent of smartphone users shop with their devices. They look up additional product information, compare prices and locate retailers in the local area.
About 90 percent of smartphone searches result in purchases, visits to local businesses and other specific actions.
The most-visited mobile websites, in order of popularity, are search engines, social networking sites, retail sites and video-sharing sites.
Of those who take action after searching with their smartphones, about 88 percent do so within the same day.
With these points in mind, it’s easy to see why it pays to have a mobile website. Your mobile site should be designed with the information above in mind. For example, assume that people who access your mobile site are looking to take action. Make it as easy for them to do so as possible. It is critical to optimize your mobile site properly. If you don’t, you will miss out on a lot of potentially lucrative business. No Stress has the experience and talent that is necessary to develop mobile sites that get results.
Mobile Website Examples
Mobile Websites: Four Reasons why They Matter
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that it doesn’t matter whether you have a mobile site or not. Your site looks smaller on mobile devices, but that’s not the only issue. It is also missing the key components that make mobile websites so effective. Here are four reasons why you need to have a mobile website:
- Mobile Directories – When searches are performed on mobile devices, the top results that are returned come from mobile websites. Search engines can detect when people are searching from devices like smartphones. To deliver the best results possible, they put a priority on returning mobile content. If you don’t have a site that is optimized for mobile devices, it probably isn’t going to appear in mobile directories and searches.
- Load Times – Traditional sites take excessive amounts of time to load on mobile devices. On the other hand, mobile websites are designed to load within four or five seconds. People who are on the go don’t want to wait around for mobile sites to load. If you don’t have a mobile site, people won’t stick around to see what you have to offer.
- User Experience – People generally don’t use mobile devices to idly browse through websites. They are usually looking for specific things. They expect to be able to find what they need quickly. Your mobile site needs to reflect this. If it doesn’t, people will just move along to different sites.
- Mobile Website Standards – Many of the elements from your regular website aren’t going to render properly on mobile devices. Flash is a major example of this. If your regular site uses a lot of Flash, it isn’t going to show up on most mobile devices. A site that is optimized for mobile devices will exclude elements that won’t look right.
It is important to put your best foot forward at all times. That is true about your site, whether it is accessed through computers and laptops or through mobile devices. By hiring No Stress to develop your mobile site, you will reach more potential customers.